Happy October Witches.
I am continuing on with the subscription donation project. The organization for October is Heart of Dinner. As always, if anyone wants to match donations, let me know!
If you are new here (welcome!) or need a refresher about the project, you can always find more details of the project on my About page.
This newsletter means a lot to me. If you are connecting with the work at all, please consider clicking the heart button, leaving a comment, and/or sharing it with your network or a friend (or enemy, I’m not picky).
My Mom has this running joke that she doesn’t think I have any friends. There are a couple reasons for this “joke.” One is that I do love to be inside. Sure, you can get me outside. I like seeing people, shows, going to museums, eating and drinking out. I like exploring. I do even like trees. I KNOW. But, if I have my druthers, my recharge time is almost always inside.
The other reason is that I am truly comfortable on my own. A lesson I learned a long time ago is that if I wait for someone to do stuff with me, I will likely never do anything. A couple of times I have made the mistake of buying multiple tickets to something thinking, well, of course, someone will join me and then…I still end up going to myself. (Look, that’s not all bad. Two seats to myself? Sure!) There are many lovely people in my life that will join me in doing things. But, we all have busy schedules or live far apart in these lives where we pretend to be adults. And I’ve been doing this (life, I guess) long enough to know, if I really want to do something, I should just go do it.
These facts do not negate the joke. Honestly, I can’t roll my eyes too hard. I play into it hard. I am nothing if not committed to the bit. If I am out and about, I often take pictures of my friends and send them to my Mom. “Look Mom, I have friends.” She’ll text back some pithy joke. I’ll send back a sarcastic gif. Then she’ll ask me who I’m with even if she’s seen pictures of this particular person many times before.
Part of the bit is also taking pictures of myself with inanimate things and calling them my friends. This usually happens when the seasons, and subsequently, my decor changes. It’s spooky season so obviously, it’s time for inanimate friends. Even though I’ve had many of the same decorations for years, I just realized that I haven’t named any of my haunted inanimate friends. I have two skeleton mannequins, a hanging skeleton (see Sunday’s photo), a stuffed raven, a stuffed cat, various pumpkins with faces, four bats, and a couple of substantial skulls and none of them have names!
And that’s where you, dear reader, come in. There is a poll below Sunday’s picture; help me name my spooky stationary pals!
See, Mom, I do have friends. A good portion of them just don’t have names. Yet.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Very light. Much ethereal.
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Moody author photo? Sure!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Such a wry smile there, past Samantha.
Friday, October 2, 2020
Saturday, October 3, 2020
I’m impressed with this version of hungover Samantha. My couch is not that comfortable. And she laid there alllllll day.
Sunday, October 4, 2020
This week, paying subscribers received the third edition of rejection haikus and heard about my most vivid memories of getting in trouble as a kid. If that sounds intriguing to you, consider becoming a paid subscriber.