Happy September! It’s Spooky Season. I don’t care what anyone has to say.
I am continuing on with the subscription donation project. I haven’t picked the organization for September as yet so look for that announcement in upcoming newsletters.
If you are new here (welcome!) or need a refresher about the project, you can always find more details of the project on my About page.
So, if you are enjoying this newsletter or connecting to it at all, I’d love if you would like, comment, or give it a social media shout out to help make the impact go farther. We’ve really plateaued in terms of subscriptions, so if you could share the newsletter with just one other person, I will happily haunt you. Like, in the good way. You get it.
AND, when we reach 100 subscribers, I’ll start taking selfie submissions which I think will be FUN.
Alright Sammy Jean. When’s the last time you went outside?
No no. Don’t give me that. You need it. C’mon. No arguments dummy. We’re going for a stupid little mental health walk.
Put on your most comfortable romper. And some easy shoes.
Take a right out of the building. Walk to the corner. Oh, there are three churches on this corner. On this one corner. And two schools within eye shot. Which direction? Children or Jesus?
Go straight. Walk right past Jesus.
Now. To the cemetery or to the water? The cemetery is closer. And quieter. But you haven’t seen the water for awhile. Your little pisces heart could use some waves. To the water it is.
Meander through the neighborhood. Some rights. Some lefts. All turns on a whim. Get pulled in by the increasing sounds of the interstate. If you hopped in a car, you’d arrive at JFK in 35 minutes. Think about the last time you traveled. Imagine the next time you’ll travel. Come up short on both ends.
Consider trying out the new bakery in the neighborhood you see all over Instagram. Although, have they opened their storefront yet? Realize you’ve already made it to Steinway and a bakery adventure will be for another day. Wait for the light to change. Walk above the whizzing cars.
Some more lefts. Some more rights. It’s intuitive walking. Brain turned-off kind of walking. Play ideas percolating in the ear buds kind of walking. Making mental notes of every store and restaurant for when we can be in the world more again kind of walking. Trying not to step on the cracks and break your mother’s back kind of walking. It’s…well, of course you stumble on your own feet kind of walking.
You’re at Ditmars now. Ditmars overshoots the park a little bit but you still want a treat. And have more mental notes to make. Like noting the salon you’ll eventually frequent. And trying not to read the name of a building that will echo too loudly in your brain.
Oh look! Donuts!
A donut could use a drink. And it’s time to turn towards the park.
Mosey some more and end up with a lavender almond milk matcha from a coffee shop around the corner from the park.
Walk down the block. Then walk down the asphalt path towards the edge of the grass. Walk by the pool that is empty this year.
Find a bench under the bridge and sit. Stare at the water. Trace the skyline of the East Side of New York City with your finger. Crane your head and point at the Empire State Building. Close your eyes and listen to the movement of water.
Realize you forgot to grab napkins for your donut. Eat it anyway and make a mess. Life is a messy business.
Monday, August 31, 2020
What am I listening to? Wrong answers only.
Tuesday, September 1, 2020
This is my Nick Miller face.
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
I’m pretty sure I put on this make-up to do a webinar that no one showed up to.
Thursday, September 3, 2020
The whole couch saga, turns out, is really kind of boring. But the good news is that on this day in 2020, I finally had one in my house.
Friday, September 4, 2020
The theme is: Monochromatic.
Saturday, September 5, 2020
Look, you know about happy hours now. Let’s just assume this is what almost all Saturdays looked like.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
You are thanking me for that stupid little mental health walk now, aren’t you?
This week, paying subscribers got the second installment of rejection haikus. If that sounds intriguing to you, consider becoming a paid subscriber.
I need to try some turn-the-brain-off walking