Here’s what I figure: for many people in the US, it’s a three day weekend. So, actually, I didn’t not send the newsletter on Sunday. I am sending it on Sunday, Part II. If you mark time by when my newsletter arrives for some reason, now you can be as confused as to what day it is as I usually am. You’re welcome.
Yesterday, I was out and about all day (*gasp* I KNOW) and spent a lot of the day trying to figure out what to write about. By the time I got home about 8p, all sweaty, overheated, and actually pretty happy, I still didn’t know what I was going to write about. Having a Sunday Part II was helpful in giving me more time to think.
Guess what? I still have no idea what to write about. It is Mental Health Awareness Month so, when this month started, I thought I would end up with a newsletter about that. But sometimes, particularly when you spend so much of your time thinking about mental health already (yours and others), you don’t want to talk about it. You want to talk about nail polish or make Muppets references or play phone games all day. I threw that idea out the window. No other ideas flew in.
We’re all prone to a little bit of writer’s or creativity block from time to time so I’m leaning in. Yes, I could have just skipped this week but I wanted to at least say “hi” (HI). So, that’s done. (Check)
Otherwise, I have a few random thoughts for you and then we’ll call it a (lazy) day.
Random Thoughts
Definitely remember to take care of your mental health and be gentle with yourself. And you also don’t have to talk about it all the time if you don’t want to.
If something is on your to-do list, it’s probably better to just do that thing instead of moving it from week to week, eventually writing it on the list as “do this already ya jag!”. No, I do not know this personal experience. Of course not.
The first time I saw the movie Clue, which is now one of my favorites, I had a wee bit of heat exhaustion. Because I was in and out of sleep, I didn’t realize there are actually three endings to the movie. I thought I had dreamt them. And I thought that for a not insignificant amount of years.
All upstairs neighbors are loud. They are never quiet. That’s just a fact.
Sometimes, your past self will write something so prophetic about your future that you won’t understand the full weight until many years later.
Adulthood is just picking the bag you take with you based on whether you need to carry a water bottle or not. It’s also filling up your water bottle and putting it in said bag, only to drink all the water within an hour of being outside, not finding a refill station, and still ending up dehydrated anyway.
And finally, a few pictures to remind you to look up every now and then. …well, not today if you are in New York, unless you want a face full of raindrops. Hey, no judgments. You do you.
Uh…here are those photos:

It’s so hard out here for a human.
I am continuing on with the subscription donation project. For April and May, the organization is the Inclusive Outdoors Project. If you are new here (welcome!) or need a refresher, you can always find more details on the project on my About page.
Paid subscribers help fund my writing life. SO, I have also decided to extend the paid subscription discount offer! Paid subscriptions are 10% off for the whole next year as a celebration for NYC Decade-aversary. If you want to upgrade, between now and August is a great time. Or, if a one time support is more your thing, my venmo is @samjeancoop.
It’s also also always a great time to share the newsletter.