For this month, I’ve decided to keep the donation project going. At the end of June, based on new free and paid (new or converted) subscriptions, I’ll make a donation to the National Center for Transgender Equality. And, I have three matching donations so a subscription goes even farther. Share away!
If you are new here (welcome!) or need a refresher, you can always find more details of the project on my About page.
And thank you, as always, for being here.
(We’re going for a little levity this week.)
I’ve written at the edge of the idea of being a grown-up in the past and how I think “adulthood” is largely a myth but it is something that has been on my mind again this week. Whether real or not, being an adult is usually indicated by a certain level of autonomy and since general autonomy is far away, here’s a list of other things that have been meme-ified or said to me or I have said or thought about that might constitute whatever #adulting is “supposed” to be:
emailing "sorry for the delayed response!" back and forth until one of you dies
cleaning out a newly empty jar and thinking "oh yes, this is a good jar, i'll keep this jar."
grape nuts
doing dishes to calm down, tidying for dopamine
rewarding yourself for a walk with cookies and liquor
a label maker
trying to figure out jobs and money and dumb stuff
spending $200 on spring cleaning related stuff and then having spring cleaning take two full months because…depression
watching the same movie for the millionth time while cleaning out your closet
being overwhelmed constantly
cake for breakfast, popcorn for dinner
past you leaving future you snacks in all sorts of weird places (bathroom, desk, etc.)
sitting on top of your bed and being too tired to actually get in bed
taking 3 ibuprofen with your morning coffee
finally getting renter’s insurance because you are worried about the beef between your landlady and the neighborhood fellas and how that might affect your stuff
adding a new step to your skincare routine every so often even though you have no idea what any of it does or if any of it is working
having a preferred almond milk brand, type of pen, and favorite burner
sending a picture of an injury to your dad to see if it is infected instead of just going to the doctor
not drinking much anymore but wanting a stocked bar for aesthetics™
watching hours and hours of home renovation shows even though you are the least likely person you know to own a house
having lists for everything and then a list to keep track of the lists
reminding your best friend that if you fail out of life you will be coming to live in her basement
being gifted roller skates from a friend but having to wait to use them until you have a helmet, pads, and health insurance
still feeling like you have to call your parents any time you make any decision even though you are fully 35 and you can "absolutely" "handle" these "decisions" on your "own"
But actually, the best advice I have ever heard about being an adult was said to my dear friend Charlotte and is this: “Being an adult is deciding how you want to be an adult.” So, I guess, that’s what it’s supposed to be.
Monday, June 22, 2020
If you are at all familiar with Glennon Doyle and/or Untamed, you will recognize this reminder to myself.
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Anytime any politicians, public figures, celebrities, etc. tell us to vote through any media (which, yes, still vote but…), I’m screaming WE ALREADY DID THAT YA JAGS into the ether.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
My mother calls me a “delicate flower.”
Thursday, June 25, 2020
The first part of the couch saga is that I ordered a couch, it arrived, and I thought it was missing parts so I reached out to customer service for a new one. When a new one was on the way, I discovered the parts hidden in the bottom of the sofa…and they still didn’t fit together.
Friday, June 26, 2020
My timing for buying merch is pretty good. It’s usually right before the thing entirely blows up.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Yes, a 30-something year old with a stuffed animal. You get to choose how you be an adult, remember??
Sunday, June 28, 2020
This is me considering which boxes are good enough to save. So many choices!
This week, paying subscribers got a glimpse of my early athletic abilities. If that sounds intriguing to you, consider becoming a paid subscriber.