And we’re back! Thanks for the week off, friends.
I wilt in the heat. I don’t sleep if I’m too hot. As a kid, I was prone to heat exhaustion. Swimming in the public pool all day in the hot Montana sun drinking exactly zero sips of non-chlorinated water? Sign me up! Once I only avoided going to the hospital for full-on heat stroke because my Mom and Grandma stripped me down and covered me in cool towels.
But for some reason, I think I’d make an incredible Heat Miser.
Heat Miser is, of course, from the seminal 1974 stop-motion animated holiday special The Year Without a Santa Claus. It is a favorite with my family, an annual viewing. And it’s the songs of Snow Miser and Heat Miser that keep me coming back year-after-year.
The songs are jaunty. They are catchy. They are lyrically simple so you can learn them as fast as a cold snap. If the songs were performed by human people instead of figurines, you would not require much dancing skill. You need a strong foil to be the adversarial other brother, Snow Miser.
I love to be jaunty. Catchy songs are my absolute jam. My memorization skills are not what they once were so simple lyrics are necessary. I have minimal dancing skills but I do have some. My dear friend and talented powerhouse Shayna is committed to Snow Miser. (One of these years, Shayna!)
But the true test of a good Heat Miser? Hair that, at any length, can be the perfect coif.
So, below, I present you with Wednesday’s photo. The unarguable proof that Heat Miser and I are one and the same.
Monday, April 27, 2020
It was a spirit week at work, or something? I don’t know, my incredible friend Liz could tell you. For now, company purple is my guess.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The theme was swag? (These are all question marks.) Also, if you haven’t watched Heidi Schreck’s What the Constitution Means to Me yet, what are you even doing?
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
See? A perfect Heat Miser!
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Honestly, I have no idea what this theme was. But I seem to be looking at something interesting on my back wall.
Friday, May 1, 2020
This was a theme for my weekly happy hour (more to come on that in a later newsletter probably) and the theme was “children dressing up like adults.”
Saturday, May 2, 2020
There appear to be feelings here. Feelings which will remain mine, thank you very much.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Tired? Depressed? Exhausted? Trying to remember the last time I went outside?
In the last week, paying subscribers heard about my run-in with an electric fence and a very cringe-y high school moment. If that sounds intriguing to you, consider becoming a paid subscriber.