Want to become an influencer in just seven days in the early weeks of a global pandemic?
Have I got the guide for you!
Monday, April 6, 2020
Find a buddy to take a photo with. Look to them for guidance and inspiration. Let their eyes do all the talking.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Watch the grocery washing video your work sent around a bunch of times. Watch the updated version too. Be so nervous about going to get groceries you don’t really sleep and get out of bed at 5am. Go to the grocery store and grab whatever is still around. Overhear a manager gently scold his employee about not being careful how many people are in the store. “I don’t want you to die,” he says. Smile a little about that moment under your mask. You don’t want him to die either. Drag your groceries back to your house. Leave what you can on the landing for three days. Take the rest inside and wipe down the surfaces and wash vegetables with soap and water. Take a selfie that seems to convey bemusement instead the physical and brain exhaustion that has already set in before work even begins.
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Serious living room mirror selfie. Obviously.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Now it’s time to create some intrigue by only showing the top half of your face against a backdrop that could probably use some explanation. Is this a woman who made New York? Well, it could be!
Friday, April 10, 2020
Prove that you are on top of trends, that you have seen an instagram (or 12) and you can now turn your bandana into a more viable mask just like everyone else.
Also wear a hat that says “Don’t Hug Me” as a not-so-subtle note to everyone to SOCIAL DISTANCE THANK YOU.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
You want to show an air of fun but not too much fun. It’s a global pandemic after all and everything is mostly hazy and confusing and your world is mostly your room and time is delineated by whether your computer is open or not. So, dead eyes, emoji-like teeth-forward expression, can’t lose.
Saturday, April 12, 2020
Take a moment to remember the goal is actually survival. The goal is to check-in on friends and family and remind people that even though we’re separated we’re not alone. The goal is moment to moment and you aren’t sharing these photos immediately anyway. Maybe ever.
The goal is not influencing. The goal is presence. Take this photo.
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